This is going to be a bit random. I've just got things to say with no particular rhyme or reason to the order. And yes, I'm still alive.
This past weekend was the Glastonbury festival. I spent most of the weekend not really caring what was going on and continually expecting to report that Kaiser Chiefs were playing a surprise gig. I don't know why I was expecting that, but for some reason I was. However, they didn't and I continued to not care that this past weekend was the Glastonbury Festival.
So announced that the Arctic Monkeys start work on their third album this month and according to Filter the new Franz Ferdinand album is suppose to hit stores in January. So that means Arctic Monkeys sometime around January and Franz Ferdinand March 2009. I hope.
I am now a card carrying member of the ACLU. Damn you random person from Richmond making eye contact with me!! Damn you!! Yeah, I thought I was just going to sign a petition or something when she asked me if I wanted to end torture and bring back the Bill of Rights. Oh how naive I was. Now I have a membership card and a sticker declaring that I have a membership card.
The Last Bus Home had an interesting post today. The reason it was interesting was because it had to do with commuting and train countdowns. Kind of like the one that constitutes the title for this entry. Anyway, according to Mr. Bus his train station countdown use to be complete rubbish. And the way he described it makes me believe him. I don't know what I would do if I didn't know how many minutes were left until such and such train was showing up. Granted, none of the trains I take are ever so full that I would think about waiting around for another, but not knowing the approximate time arrivals for the next three trains is invaluable in my neurotic little mind. And yes, I really do obsess over the approximate time of my commute and the time it takes to get from stop A to stop B. It's either that or sleep and miss my stop altogether.
Don't talk to me about Doctor Who or might explode at you. RTD better have some legitimate and really fucking brilliant cards up his sleeve or the entire fandom will kill him. We don't care if he's leaving the show, if he fucks this up, we will kill. 0_0
Ta now. I've got a kitchen to clean!
PS - I rescind everything I said about the character of Donna in this entry. Catherine Tate is an amazing actress and Donna is made of so much win it hurts. Also, almost done with archiving. So excited.
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