
Updates from Purgatory

So I've been a neglectful blogger. I haven't updated in two weeks and my last entry was not really an entry. Needless to say I owe this blog an update. Thing is I'm finding it hard to write about anything. I've done jack shit in the past two weeks other than take exams and watch British crime procedurals/sci-fi shows (more on that in a moment.) My family continues to be more crazy than I thought possible and Facebook continues to annoy me with it's continual need to remind me that certain people exist. I look at my front page and question why certain people are on there, why I continue to be friends with them when all they do is annoy me. Eventually I'll stop being lazy and get rid of those people from my friend list, but not any time soon. I'm far too lazy.
So British crime procedurals/sci-fi shows. In the past week I've watched both series of Life on Mars (which by the way was awesome) and I'm almost update with Ashes to Ashes. They are both amazing and I've listened to more David Bowie in the past week than I ever would have thanks to those shows. So yeah, I'm quite pleased about that. I mean I'm spending most of every day in my room, but for my sanity that's probably better. Onwards and upwards to my family.
Oh my family. They're all a bunch wack jobs. Every time I come home I re-realize all over again how mentally fucked up they are and every time I have to remind myself to act like a civil person and scream every time they open their mouths. And so I spend as much time as I legitimately can away from them because if I don't by the end of the summer I will lose my mind.
Now more important things. I don't have the GPA (if we're going by the letter) to study abroad at University of Westminster. I've sent a plea to international academic service people seeing if there's anything I can do to still go there, but I'm currently look at other programs. I'm looking in Wales for god sake (no offence to any Welsh readers. You're all really lovely.) I haven't given up on studying abroad, I'm just slowly giving up on studying at the University of Westminster. Which makes me sad and waiting for IAS to respond my email is making me more than a bit anxious, but this is what happens when you fuck up. And I'll be the first to admit that I fucked up. But I know I have back ups and I can make excellent pleas on my behalf. It just makes me sad and disappointed in myself. I could go on, but that's just boring and you all know how much I hate being boring.
All right well that's about it for me. Umm, I don't know when I'll be updating, probably when I hear from either IAS, WETA, or WAMU (yay volunteer positions!). Until then.

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