
I'm Three (A Commute Story)

If someone were to ask me what my least favourite part of DC is, I would say leaving or coming to it by public transport. Commuting into DC is my least favourite part of my Monday/Wednesday schedule and if there was some magical way I could teleport into the office, I would (trust the drive is even worse.) Unfortunately teleporation has not been invented, so I have to commute. But sometimes the commute isn't so bad, like today. Today's commute home has a cute story, which makes the annoyance of having to deal with tourists and sweating too much worthwhile. Story time.
My commute home from work is divided into three "legs." The first leg is taking the green line, the second leg is taking the orange line and the last leg is the bus. Well today whilst on the second leg of my odyssey a family of six boarded my car and I internally groaned. Tourist groups/families are a pain because on a train it's very hard to control hyperactive kids who've couped up in museums all day. So this family of six divide themselves with the girls on one side and the two boys (dad and son) on my side. The son was looking around, and is common with small children, started starring at me for no real reason. I was holding a hankerchief in my hand (sweat's a bitch) and so I did a two finger wave at the little boy. His immediate reaction was to say "I'm 3" while putting up three fingers. Moments like that a) make me wish I could take the cute little ones home with me and b) make the commute slightly less painful.
As I've mentioned before, I've taken up kickboxing to work out my pent up anger and lose weight. Well I've also now taken up yoga. While yoga in general has a rather zen connotation, it turns out the yoga studio I've signed up with practices a form of yoga called Asana and as one nice woman who introduced herself to me before class said, it's like being at the equator and running through a jungle. I sweated more in that hour and a half than I ever have. I spent about 25% to 30% of the class in child's pose. I'm taking my second class tomorrow. I think I've lost my mind.

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