
Things I Learned This Week

This is a list of things I learned this week. Enjoy.
  • I can do basic html so as to make my entries pretty. Yay for me!
  • Toshiba has really nice costumer service people and they fix things really quickly. All of this means that I should be getting my mp3 player sometime after the long weekend.
  • Jackhammers don't like me and I don't like them.
  • Mrs. Thompson's husband is a beast on the piano.
  • School is incredibly boring and pointless and I get tired when things are boring and pointless.
  • The history of American popular musical trends is long and complicated and incredibly interesting. It's a damn shame I can't do a more in depth look at the whole mess.
  • Christian is a hell of a lot cooler than I thought he was and it's a damn shame I'm only learning this now.
  • Whitey is a vegetarian and for some reason is considered "sexy."
  • On a similar note, Ricky is a vegetarian.
  • Although I respect vegetarian's I don't think they could possibly respect me because I'm basically a carnivore. I think this would ruin any chance with a certain person, thus dashing all and any fantasies based around said person.
  • Alex is so much braver than me. I wish I'd had my camera with me yesterday so as to have documented this braveness.
  • I want Kirkland Ciccone's life so badly.
  • My sister is psycho.
  • I need to have my bangs trimmed.

That is all. I'm off to see a movie in about a half hour. Should be fun.

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