A General Beatle Related Announcement
On Saturday BBC Radio 2 will be broadcasting the Sgt. Pepper "re-recording" as they're calling it at 3pm EDT (eastern daylight time) or at 8pm BST (British summer time). I know that I'll be listening to see who covers what and to hear what the artists have to say about the great album, so you should listen to.
I'm going to go explode now. Stupid chorus.
I'm going to go explode now. Stupid chorus.
Apologies in Advance
I would like to apologize in advance for any and all mood swings I may exhibit in the next few weeks. I would also like to apologize for ignoring anyone, yelling at anyone, and generally acting like a bitch at anyone in the next few weeks. Furthermore I would like to apologize for any past behaviour that fits into any of the above categories. Why I am acting like this and will be acting like this for the next few weeks is both logical and illogical, so I just want all of you to know that I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings and such. Most of what I'm going through is out of my control and what is under my control I'm doing my best to control (hurrah for using the same word three times in a sentence.) So yes, apologies in advance for being a total bitch.
Things I Learned This Week
This is a list of things I learned this week. Enjoy.
That is all. I'm off to see a movie in about a half hour. Should be fun.
- I can do basic html so as to make my entries pretty. Yay for me!
- Toshiba has really nice costumer service people and they fix things really quickly. All of this means that I should be getting my mp3 player sometime after the long weekend.
- Jackhammers don't like me and I don't like them.
- Mrs. Thompson's husband is a beast on the piano.
- School is incredibly boring and pointless and I get tired when things are boring and pointless.
- The history of American popular musical trends is long and complicated and incredibly interesting. It's a damn shame I can't do a more in depth look at the whole mess.
- Christian is a hell of a lot cooler than I thought he was and it's a damn shame I'm only learning this now.
- Whitey is a vegetarian and for some reason is considered "sexy."
- On a similar note, Ricky is a vegetarian.
- Although I respect vegetarian's I don't think they could possibly respect me because I'm basically a carnivore. I think this would ruin any chance with a certain person, thus dashing all and any fantasies based around said person.
- Alex is so much braver than me. I wish I'd had my camera with me yesterday so as to have documented this braveness.
- I want Kirkland Ciccone's life so badly.
- My sister is psycho.
- I need to have my bangs trimmed.
That is all. I'm off to see a movie in about a half hour. Should be fun.
Oh Shit
Over at LJ they have this nifty thing were I can have 15 icons that represent me. Because I was bored with the ones I had, I decided to delete all of them. Also because of resent developments in romantic interests (and because I actually miss my Kaiser Chief related images) I decided to un-hide my KC LJ icons. I'm glad they're back. Right now I'm trying to decide which fifteen will get to represent me, but first I have things to say, so the icon search will have to wait a bit.
I should warn you I'm tired and feel like shit, both for apparently no reason, so this entry might be a bit fucked up. This is not to say that my entries aren't usually somewhat fucked up, but this one will be particularly fucked up. So, let us continue.
I have this shirt. It says "pants" across the front in orange lettering. It's cool because pants is actually British slang for something that's shit or not very good. No one but me knew this before I began having to explain my cool shirt and now a few people curious about why I have pants written across my chest know what pants actually means. Now, there is this reviewer over at TWOP who is part of the reviewing team that reviews American Idol. Everything I know about AI is because of them and the Washington Post TV column. Well, last night was the season finale and this afternoon I read Jacob's review of the show. Coincidentally I'm wearing my pants shirt. I was gleefully surprised when I read this line:
(Told y'all this would be a fucked up entry)
So I have some music news for y'all and because I'm feeling more spacey than witty, I'm just going to give the headlines and move on to the important things, like how the Cribs are cool and that tomorrow is an important day. But first, music news.
So, way back when, like a week or so ago, I reported that the Cribs new album would be released in the States on July 19th. The only confirmation I had for this information was Sound Bites, a music blog, and a wonderful commenter on the Blogger edition of this journal. The band themselves have not announced a release date for the album in the States and my meager resources didn't have any information to the contrary, so I figured I wouldn't be hearing the Kapranos-produced album until July. I was wrong. It seems that the Cribs have released the album for download only internationally this week. The only reason I know this is because I noticed that Filter had a review of Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever and I thought this was a bit odd given the fact that it hadn't been released in the States as far as I knew. So I checked with Yahoo! Jukebox and found, hey, they have released it. I'm guessing that I'll still have to wait till July for the CD version of Men's Needs..., but I'm happy to be able to listen to it now. I would recommend having a listen to the album mainly because it's a terribly good album and also because it is Alex Kapranos' first stab at producing and we all like Alex Kapranos. So yeah, the Cribs are terribly cool and their new album is terribly good.
I have 9 more school days left until I don't have to go to school anymore. I have no idea why I'm even going to school now, but at least I only have 9 days of it left. This means that I have 12 school days until I graduate, which is both thrilling and scary as shit. All I know is that I want all of this to be over as quickly as possible so that I can get out of here and move onto the great things I plan on doing.
I'm going to collapse now. Have fun.
Oh wait! One last thing: Tomorrow is Towel Day so be sure to have your towel with you. I know I will.
I should warn you I'm tired and feel like shit, both for apparently no reason, so this entry might be a bit fucked up. This is not to say that my entries aren't usually somewhat fucked up, but this one will be particularly fucked up. So, let us continue.
I have this shirt. It says "pants" across the front in orange lettering. It's cool because pants is actually British slang for something that's shit or not very good. No one but me knew this before I began having to explain my cool shirt and now a few people curious about why I have pants written across my chest know what pants actually means. Now, there is this reviewer over at TWOP who is part of the reviewing team that reviews American Idol. Everything I know about AI is because of them and the Washington Post TV column. Well, last night was the season finale and this afternoon I read Jacob's review of the show. Coincidentally I'm wearing my pants shirt. I was gleefully surprised when I read this line:
Then, Ryan's "good friend" GWEN STEFANI, looking pants in a weird Astro Boy bubble tutu dress...Boy was I excited. So excited in fact that I saved the link so that I could take the quote from the review and show it to y'all. See I'm not crazy, pants really means what I say it means. So ha, I'm cool.
(Told y'all this would be a fucked up entry)
So I have some music news for y'all and because I'm feeling more spacey than witty, I'm just going to give the headlines and move on to the important things, like how the Cribs are cool and that tomorrow is an important day. But first, music news.
- Good Shoes Gig Not 'Secret' Anymore
- M.I.A. cancels US festival appearance
- Mystery Jets Cancel U.S. Tour
- Soundscan Wednesday
- The Strokes to take a break; four-fingered chocolate snacks reported stolen from NYC corner shops
So, way back when, like a week or so ago, I reported that the Cribs new album would be released in the States on July 19th. The only confirmation I had for this information was Sound Bites, a music blog, and a wonderful commenter on the Blogger edition of this journal. The band themselves have not announced a release date for the album in the States and my meager resources didn't have any information to the contrary, so I figured I wouldn't be hearing the Kapranos-produced album until July. I was wrong. It seems that the Cribs have released the album for download only internationally this week. The only reason I know this is because I noticed that Filter had a review of Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever and I thought this was a bit odd given the fact that it hadn't been released in the States as far as I knew. So I checked with Yahoo! Jukebox and found, hey, they have released it. I'm guessing that I'll still have to wait till July for the CD version of Men's Needs..., but I'm happy to be able to listen to it now. I would recommend having a listen to the album mainly because it's a terribly good album and also because it is Alex Kapranos' first stab at producing and we all like Alex Kapranos. So yeah, the Cribs are terribly cool and their new album is terribly good.
I have 9 more school days left until I don't have to go to school anymore. I have no idea why I'm even going to school now, but at least I only have 9 days of it left. This means that I have 12 school days until I graduate, which is both thrilling and scary as shit. All I know is that I want all of this to be over as quickly as possible so that I can get out of here and move onto the great things I plan on doing.
I'm going to collapse now. Have fun.
Oh wait! One last thing: Tomorrow is Towel Day so be sure to have your towel with you. I know I will.
"But I'm really not as cool as I'd like to be
'Cause there's a red, under my bed
And there's a little yellow man in my head
And there's a true blue inside of me...
Paranoia, the destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer."
--- The Kinks, Give the People What They Want, "Destroyer"
Okay, so the guy in the above mentioned song is a hell of a lot more paranoid than me, but I have my own kind of social paranoia. Because for such a long time I lacked the necessary skills and hearing comprehension to properly participate in the social world we live in, I developed the coping mechanism of staying quiet at all times. Unfortunately there were some down sides. I became acutely paranoid about people talking about me, even when there was no reason for them to be talking about me. Despite my grand achievements in the past two years, that paranoia still lingers leaving me nervous and slightly (okay, completely) unsure of myself in strange (daily, recurring) social situations. You see the people over at that table? The ones who looked over here for no apparent reason? Yeah, I know one of them. So now, they're talking about what a freak I am. Those girls over there, the ones I don't even know? They looked at me in the hall and now they're laughing, so obviously they're laughing at me. The list goes on and on.
There's another side to this paranoia. Not only do I fear that I'm constantly being commented on, I'm also always worrying that I'm being taken for granted. I fret in my head about whether or not I'm the third wheel in any given conversation or social situation or that people, even people I know really like, don't want me around.
It's a strange paradox of sorts because part of me knows that all of these worries I have are baseless, but on the other hand the worries haunt me throughout the day, plaguing my self-confidence. If you don't know, if you aren't sure, whose to say it isn't so? In any event, it's my paranoia. Another in my lovely little treasure chest of psychological problems. At least I'm too much of a wallflower to do anything about it.
'Cause there's a red, under my bed
And there's a little yellow man in my head
And there's a true blue inside of me...
Paranoia, the destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer."
--- The Kinks, Give the People What They Want, "Destroyer"
Okay, so the guy in the above mentioned song is a hell of a lot more paranoid than me, but I have my own kind of social paranoia. Because for such a long time I lacked the necessary skills and hearing comprehension to properly participate in the social world we live in, I developed the coping mechanism of staying quiet at all times. Unfortunately there were some down sides. I became acutely paranoid about people talking about me, even when there was no reason for them to be talking about me. Despite my grand achievements in the past two years, that paranoia still lingers leaving me nervous and slightly (okay, completely) unsure of myself in strange (daily, recurring) social situations. You see the people over at that table? The ones who looked over here for no apparent reason? Yeah, I know one of them. So now, they're talking about what a freak I am. Those girls over there, the ones I don't even know? They looked at me in the hall and now they're laughing, so obviously they're laughing at me. The list goes on and on.
There's another side to this paranoia. Not only do I fear that I'm constantly being commented on, I'm also always worrying that I'm being taken for granted. I fret in my head about whether or not I'm the third wheel in any given conversation or social situation or that people, even people I know really like, don't want me around.
It's a strange paradox of sorts because part of me knows that all of these worries I have are baseless, but on the other hand the worries haunt me throughout the day, plaguing my self-confidence. If you don't know, if you aren't sure, whose to say it isn't so? In any event, it's my paranoia. Another in my lovely little treasure chest of psychological problems. At least I'm too much of a wallflower to do anything about it.
Why do I have always seem to fall for the unavailable for one reason or another kind of guys? It's like one friend of mine who seems to always fall for straight girls. It's like, why do our hormones hate us? It just doesn't seem fair. I find a guy who seems to share a million similar interests, whose tall and fairly attractive, can pull off facial hair, and has read HHGG (at least the first book anyway) without any kind of pestering from me and ya know what? My best friend likes him too. I say friends are more important than romance, but for chrissake! I don't know, I just don't understand. Also, Farber can never find out. He'd freak and bother me continually about it until I leave for college. But yeah, the trend continues.
So my party went really well last night. Everyone seemed to have a good time and I got good presents from the people. Lots of chocolate, not that I mind. Learned that you should never declaw cats because it's a nasty-mean process and you can live with the cat scratches. Also learned that tail bobbing is equally mean-nasty and really wished Alex didn't know so damn much about these things. Overall a good time. So yay!
See y'all on the flip side. I've got evil psych to do.
One last thing:

My male alter-ego, by the absolutely wonderful *stressedjenny
So my party went really well last night. Everyone seemed to have a good time and I got good presents from the people. Lots of chocolate, not that I mind. Learned that you should never declaw cats because it's a nasty-mean process and you can live with the cat scratches. Also learned that tail bobbing is equally mean-nasty and really wished Alex didn't know so damn much about these things. Overall a good time. So yay!
See y'all on the flip side. I've got evil psych to do.
One last thing:

My male alter-ego, by the absolutely wonderful *stressedjenny
Righteous Indignation at its Best
Why I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with the Love Story in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Movie:
Having read all five books in the trilogy, I know that the love story in the movie is false. It becomes fairly well established in the first three books that although Arthur and Trillion might have had something, they don't now and although they sire a child, they never will. In the fourth book we, the readers, are introduced to Fenchurch, who, it becomes quite obvious, is Arthur's soul mate. As a die-hard romantic, I can't help but be annoyed with the movie because Trillion is not Arthur's soul mate, Fenchurch is and saying otherwise is blasphemy. I have nothing against love, I just don't like obvious swipes at canon. Makes me very indignant. -_- That is all.
Having read all five books in the trilogy, I know that the love story in the movie is false. It becomes fairly well established in the first three books that although Arthur and Trillion might have had something, they don't now and although they sire a child, they never will. In the fourth book we, the readers, are introduced to Fenchurch, who, it becomes quite obvious, is Arthur's soul mate. As a die-hard romantic, I can't help but be annoyed with the movie because Trillion is not Arthur's soul mate, Fenchurch is and saying otherwise is blasphemy. I have nothing against love, I just don't like obvious swipes at canon. Makes me very indignant. -_- That is all.
And We're Going to Party Like It's 1999...
Since my room is mostly clean and I hate organizing shit, I've been taking a break for the past hour. I'm now going to prolong this break by writing up this journal entry. haHA! I can beat the system any day of the week. It just has to be the right system. Edit: I had to end my break before I could finish the post, so if the end seems disjointed, that's why. Now I have a clean and pretty room as well as a throne. Mwhahahaha.
By saying the following statement, Paul McCarteny is degrading his image by like a hundred million points: "Elvis [Presley, not Costello, obvs] influenced Sgt. Pepper [aka Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band one of the best albums ever written, ever]. Seriously, for anyone whose listened to Sgt. Pepper and anything from Elvis' catalogue, you'll know that Macca is lying through his teeth. Why he would decide to do this, I don't know, I didn't actually read the article. All I know is that Sgt. Pepper was not influenced by Elvis. Macca is high.
I hope that Hillary Clinton doesn't choose KT Tunstall. Please let the voting public that cares about her campaign song choose U2. You know why I hope this? Because if Hillary Clinton's campaign song is "Suddenly I See" I will never be able to listen to that song again. Never. So please, if you care about Hillary Clinton's campaign song and my sanity, vote for U2. I could give a shit about them.
Did you know Amy Winehouse was engaged? Because I didn't. Seems not only was she engaged, she is now married. So congrats to the new Mr & Mrs. Fielder-Civil. I hope your marriage is a long and happy one. And nothing like Brit and Kevin's.
Finally, before I make the final preparations for my superphantastisch belated-b-day party, I have absolutely even more superphantastisch than my party news: I'M GOING TO VIRGIN FESTIVAL!!! I'm so super excited about this. I'm just unbelievably thrilled. My first festival! Yay!!! Unfortunately I will not be able to go to the Siren Festival because my grandparents will not be in town so I will have nowhere to stay. I am sad, terribly sad, but at least I had a glimmer of hope for a little while. Unlike every single European festival this summer. But yeah, I'm still going to Virgin Festival because no one can stop me. Yay.
Huh. Now I'm off to make the final preparations for the party. I wonder what everybody got me...
By saying the following statement, Paul McCarteny is degrading his image by like a hundred million points: "Elvis [Presley, not Costello, obvs] influenced Sgt. Pepper [aka Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band one of the best albums ever written, ever]. Seriously, for anyone whose listened to Sgt. Pepper and anything from Elvis' catalogue, you'll know that Macca is lying through his teeth. Why he would decide to do this, I don't know, I didn't actually read the article. All I know is that Sgt. Pepper was not influenced by Elvis. Macca is high.
I hope that Hillary Clinton doesn't choose KT Tunstall. Please let the voting public that cares about her campaign song choose U2. You know why I hope this? Because if Hillary Clinton's campaign song is "Suddenly I See" I will never be able to listen to that song again. Never. So please, if you care about Hillary Clinton's campaign song and my sanity, vote for U2. I could give a shit about them.
Did you know Amy Winehouse was engaged? Because I didn't. Seems not only was she engaged, she is now married. So congrats to the new Mr & Mrs. Fielder-Civil. I hope your marriage is a long and happy one. And nothing like Brit and Kevin's.
Finally, before I make the final preparations for my superphantastisch belated-b-day party, I have absolutely even more superphantastisch than my party news: I'M GOING TO VIRGIN FESTIVAL!!! I'm so super excited about this. I'm just unbelievably thrilled. My first festival! Yay!!! Unfortunately I will not be able to go to the Siren Festival because my grandparents will not be in town so I will have nowhere to stay. I am sad, terribly sad, but at least I had a glimmer of hope for a little while. Unlike every single European festival this summer. But yeah, I'm still going to Virgin Festival because no one can stop me. Yay.
Huh. Now I'm off to make the final preparations for the party. I wonder what everybody got me...
Quickie Review for those with ADD and Then Some
Certain things that should be kept in mind: At least one of these bands (I'm not saying which) has been highly praised by NME as being the next big thing. I'm also in a terribly snarky mood and we all know I'm a picky bitch. Otherwise, enjoy!
The View -- :mumble, mumble: We're from the '90's! :continues to mumble: :tries to steal the guitar moves of Alex Turner: These blokes are from Dundee, Scotland. They are an exception to the "Everything from Northern England and Scotland is Genius" rule.
The Clientele -- Imagine the '60's, now. The early '60's mind you, not the late '60's. Imagine the Monkees, before they started the heavy drugs. Imagine happy flowers and smooth pop and flowy dresses. Imagine a French New Wave movie without the possible political undertones and Briggite Bardot smoking a cigarette. Or possibly a more laid back, more understandable Bob Dylan, at least for the vocals. Add it all up, and you have the Clientele
Au Revoir Simone -- American female bands seem to have a problem, at least vocally. From my very limited sampling, it seems that none of them have any emotion in their voices. This isn't true of their solo counterparts, or even the limited number of British counterparts (The Pipettes for instance.) Now when I say female bands I mean that all of the members are female. Obviously Jenny Lewis has no problem emoting during say, "I Never", but the lead vocalist for Au Revoir Simone does have this problem. Which is sad because otherwise Bird of Music wouldn't be too bad.
Since Au Revoir Simone put me in the mood for some belting, the reviews end. Now onto something that makes my blood boil. Almost literally...
This is not fair. Sure maybe one day I could be doing what Derek is doing, but he get's to do it now which is what makes it unfair. I want, would give my first born and limbs, to spend the summer in the UK. I would spend it anywhere (just try me, I'll go anywhere) and I wouldn't care what menial tasks I was given. I just want to be in the land of brilliant festivals (that I wouldn't be able to go to anyway because the really cool ones have been sold out for months.) Anyway, I find it completely unfair and I protest.
In other news...I have my IB music test tomorrow! Sure I don't really know Bartok that well, but hey I've got the rest of the test to show off. Also my IB Bio Paper 3 went really very well in my opinion. I might not get the best grade, but I answered all but one of the questions to the best of my ability and that's what counts. That and a passing score. Otherwise life is fairly boring. I'm waiting for Toshiba customer service to send me a reply so I can send my mp3 player back to them to hopefully be fixed. I now have an account on facebook (bleh). Umm...not much else.
On final note, I'll leave you with this: Scouse = someone from Liverpool = Coastal accent, with mixture from other places (port city) = Even Londoners can't understand what they're saying.
The View -- :mumble, mumble: We're from the '90's! :continues to mumble: :tries to steal the guitar moves of Alex Turner: These blokes are from Dundee, Scotland. They are an exception to the "Everything from Northern England and Scotland is Genius" rule.
The Clientele -- Imagine the '60's, now. The early '60's mind you, not the late '60's. Imagine the Monkees, before they started the heavy drugs. Imagine happy flowers and smooth pop and flowy dresses. Imagine a French New Wave movie without the possible political undertones and Briggite Bardot smoking a cigarette. Or possibly a more laid back, more understandable Bob Dylan, at least for the vocals. Add it all up, and you have the Clientele
Au Revoir Simone -- American female bands seem to have a problem, at least vocally. From my very limited sampling, it seems that none of them have any emotion in their voices. This isn't true of their solo counterparts, or even the limited number of British counterparts (The Pipettes for instance.) Now when I say female bands I mean that all of the members are female. Obviously Jenny Lewis has no problem emoting during say, "I Never", but the lead vocalist for Au Revoir Simone does have this problem. Which is sad because otherwise Bird of Music wouldn't be too bad.
Since Au Revoir Simone put me in the mood for some belting, the reviews end. Now onto something that makes my blood boil. Almost literally...
This is not fair. Sure maybe one day I could be doing what Derek is doing, but he get's to do it now which is what makes it unfair. I want, would give my first born and limbs, to spend the summer in the UK. I would spend it anywhere (just try me, I'll go anywhere) and I wouldn't care what menial tasks I was given. I just want to be in the land of brilliant festivals (that I wouldn't be able to go to anyway because the really cool ones have been sold out for months.) Anyway, I find it completely unfair and I protest.
In other news...I have my IB music test tomorrow! Sure I don't really know Bartok that well, but hey I've got the rest of the test to show off. Also my IB Bio Paper 3 went really very well in my opinion. I might not get the best grade, but I answered all but one of the questions to the best of my ability and that's what counts. That and a passing score. Otherwise life is fairly boring. I'm waiting for Toshiba customer service to send me a reply so I can send my mp3 player back to them to hopefully be fixed. I now have an account on facebook (bleh). Umm...not much else.
On final note, I'll leave you with this: Scouse = someone from Liverpool = Coastal accent, with mixture from other places (port city) = Even Londoners can't understand what they're saying.
Semi-Non Sequitur
I know, I'm posting a lot but this will be short. What can I say, I haven't posted in four days. I'm just making up for lost time XD Anyway, some lyrics. They are good lyrics and I like them very much. Sure, their semi-autobiographical, but the last two lines can apply to almost anyone. So yeah, lyrics:
Boxing Champ
We went to the youth club and we looked out of place.
I didn't know where to look
So I, looked at your face.
But you were a boxing champ, and I was a weakling.
You didn't give me a chance,
You gave me a beating.
And I thank you very much that you did.
And as the time went by we stayed out of trouble,
Before I could realise my age had doubled.
The man I became is a tragic bore,
And he's not a boxing champ anymore.
If there's one thing I've learnt it's to run away,
At least I enjoy what I do today.
And I thank you very much that I do.
One small step backward for mankind, one huge leap backward for Nore. With all apologies to Neil Armstrong.
We went to the youth club and we looked out of place.
I didn't know where to look
So I, looked at your face.
But you were a boxing champ, and I was a weakling.
You didn't give me a chance,
You gave me a beating.
And I thank you very much that you did.
And as the time went by we stayed out of trouble,
Before I could realise my age had doubled.
The man I became is a tragic bore,
And he's not a boxing champ anymore.
If there's one thing I've learnt it's to run away,
At least I enjoy what I do today.
And I thank you very much that I do.
One small step backward for mankind, one huge leap backward for Nore. With all apologies to Neil Armstrong.
General News
Oh the news, the news. I say it's general because I have a few things that aren't related to music, but really it's mostly just music news. And the non-music things that I'll be posting don't even really count as news so much as random things that I found and liked on the internet. Anyway, onwards and upwards...
Well that's it my pets. I'm going to one last check of everything and then off to bed. Let's hope that I don't fail tomorrow.
Music! Working backwards from the 9th
- Hot Hot Heat are touring! No where near here! But they are releasing their new album in September, which is a good thing. Mind you this does mean they've taken longer to release their newest than it took any of the other bands I keep track of to release theirs. I hope it's good.
- Poor Green Leafe Cafe. I've actually eaten there more than once and it's always seemed like a nice place. According to a friend of my sister's they had an outbreak of salmonella there, which would explain why the bands and crews got sick. Still, death threats are completely unnecessary. I suspect they're coming from MCR fans, but don't tell anyone I said that. You never know whose listening...
- Yay new Rilo Kiley!! Too bad their isn't a US release date yet, I would love to know how soon I can get my hands Under the Blacklight. Sounds very 60's. Anyhoo, terribly exciting.
- Oh how I wish I could go to Austin City Limits. Texas in the late summer/early fall is solovely I've heard. Oh who will be there, let us see:
- Arctic Monkeys
- Kaiser Chiefs
- Amy Winehouse
- Zap Mama (a favourite from my younger years)
- The Little Ones
- Muse
- Arcade Fire (a band that should be seen live at least once)
- And many, many, many others
- I love snark. I love when music critics make fun of the music scene. I think it's absolutely grand, which is why I always enjoy reading DiS weekly music charts round-up. It doesn't apply to me because I don't live in the UK, but it's still great. Besides, if they think they're music charts are whack, just imagine what they'd think of ours. Anyway, good ol' snark.
- I find it interesting what Lily Allen decides to post in her blog. It's almost as if she doesn't realize that the media is going to eat up every word she writes and then spew it back all out of context. No link for this bullet, seeing as the entry I was going to link to isn't nearly as interesting as the post she made after that one. I would just suggest, if you're really truly interested to go to her myspace and read her blog. I just find stupefying what she'll post on it.
Other Things!
- Random picture having to do with a conversation my sister and I had. I find it funny anyway, so here ya go!
- A L33T keyboard for the truly lazy at heart. Just in case you can't type out LOL or OMG, here it is, all layed out for you. Dear god I hope this not happens in real life. That would just make me cry.
- A Chart to how the Seven Deadly Sins apply to you. My favourite; 2nd place.
- And finally, 12 Films that Defined Their Decades. I suspect that by the time my sister passes, which won't be for many, many, many, many, many years, she'll have seen all of these movies at least once. I, on the other hand, will have only seen a handful and probably only a few times each, if that. By comparison I will, hopefully, one day have a complete knowledge of popular British rock music and will have listened to all of it. So hah.
Well that's it my pets. I'm going to one last check of everything and then off to bed. Let's hope that I don't fail tomorrow.
These Days
My heart's hurting a little bit because I'm listening to Employment and reminiscing about when I was a carefree obsessive fangirl and kind of missing being a carefree obsessive fangirl. It was so much easier because I didn't have to worry about not regressing because there was nowhere to go. My heart is also hurting because it's been over two years since I first got Employment and I can't believe I am where I am. This is not to say that I'm disappointed at where I am, I just can't believe how quickly the time has gone. I miss the old days, when I was a carefree obsessive fangirl. Everything was easier.
In other news the Fratellis have entered into my subconscious without even asking. I had a dream about seeing them at this weird club/theater place and the lead singer was wearing a very odd shirt. The Fratellis were the first opening act for the Red Hot Chili Peppers (don't even know why they were there) and nobody was paying attention except me, because I'm crazy. Then We Are Scientist came on and everybody was asking Keith if they could take pictures of him. I broke somebody's watch and twisted my ankle and Mr. Sharp was there (amazingly awkward). All in all one of my weirder dreams.
Hmm, lets see what else, what else...Alex is a perfect gentelman and...umm...naughty things. Oh and he wants to take over Russia and become dictator. :sigh: He's so cute. Except when he's telling his best friend's girlfriend to have phone sex with said best friend. Then I'm just disturbed and feel the need to reference an episode of Gilmore Girls. My IB tests are going well. The last part of my IB History test went down very well, though I have decided that I'm the master of concise and that this is not a good thing for IB tests. Being concise will be great when I'm reviewing albums, but not when I'm trying to impress my exam grader. Oh well, I figure I'll do well enough. Also, the first part of my IB Bio test went so-so today. I think I'll do better tomorrow though, especially once I go over the two options I need to know about. That and if I can avoid cells and energy and answer only questions having to do with evolution, or if by some freak chance I can magically answer the questions having to do with a different option that we didn't study this year. Anyway, I think tomorrow will go better, or at least I hope tomorrow goes better.
On a random side note, Keith Murray and I have the same birthday. We were born eleven years apart. I know, I'm a big freak, but I actually happened upon this fact randomely, so it's not like I'm a sort of stalker. Anyway, I think this fact just confirms the fact that I must be a music journalist. I must.
Lets see, lets see. I think I'll save my links for another entry, coming immediately after this one. But before I go, I leave you with this:
In other news the Fratellis have entered into my subconscious without even asking. I had a dream about seeing them at this weird club/theater place and the lead singer was wearing a very odd shirt. The Fratellis were the first opening act for the Red Hot Chili Peppers (don't even know why they were there) and nobody was paying attention except me, because I'm crazy. Then We Are Scientist came on and everybody was asking Keith if they could take pictures of him. I broke somebody's watch and twisted my ankle and Mr. Sharp was there (amazingly awkward). All in all one of my weirder dreams.
Hmm, lets see what else, what else...Alex is a perfect gentelman and...umm...naughty things. Oh and he wants to take over Russia and become dictator. :sigh: He's so cute. Except when he's telling his best friend's girlfriend to have phone sex with said best friend. Then I'm just disturbed and feel the need to reference an episode of Gilmore Girls. My IB tests are going well. The last part of my IB History test went down very well, though I have decided that I'm the master of concise and that this is not a good thing for IB tests. Being concise will be great when I'm reviewing albums, but not when I'm trying to impress my exam grader. Oh well, I figure I'll do well enough. Also, the first part of my IB Bio test went so-so today. I think I'll do better tomorrow though, especially once I go over the two options I need to know about. That and if I can avoid cells and energy and answer only questions having to do with evolution, or if by some freak chance I can magically answer the questions having to do with a different option that we didn't study this year. Anyway, I think tomorrow will go better, or at least I hope tomorrow goes better.
On a random side note, Keith Murray and I have the same birthday. We were born eleven years apart. I know, I'm a big freak, but I actually happened upon this fact randomely, so it's not like I'm a sort of stalker. Anyway, I think this fact just confirms the fact that I must be a music journalist. I must.
Lets see, lets see. I think I'll save my links for another entry, coming immediately after this one. But before I go, I leave you with this:
"What differs fertilization from copulation?:--- IB Standard Level Biology Exam, Paper 1, 2007
D. Fertilization is conscious event"
Sweating it Out
I'm currently sweating out my cold. I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate method of curing oneself, but I don't really want to get up, so it will have to do. Now onto the news!
Muse will remember Virginia forever. They may never come back, but they'll certainly remember us.
Pete Doherty will never be clean. He'll always have drugs in him, even if he hasn't taken any. Thus he will have no music career and all the snobs at NME will cry. I, on the other hand, will breathe easy, knowing that my favourite bands' choice of drug is alcohol, which isn't nearly as horrible.
And now for all the IB English students reading this journal: Alliteration
:sigh: I'm really tired and did so-so on my history exam today. I totally fucked the second question on Paper 2, by writing only one paragraph. I did well on the first question though, so that's good. Also Paper 1 went fairly and hopefully my brain won't be outside my head tomorrow for Paper 3. Basically, I think I can salvage my score for IB History. Huzzah!
By the way tomorrow's my birthday. Yay me! I'll be 19 and an old hag. Yay me!
Nighty-night darlings.
Muse will remember Virginia forever. They may never come back, but they'll certainly remember us.
Pete Doherty will never be clean. He'll always have drugs in him, even if he hasn't taken any. Thus he will have no music career and all the snobs at NME will cry. I, on the other hand, will breathe easy, knowing that my favourite bands' choice of drug is alcohol, which isn't nearly as horrible.
And now for all the IB English students reading this journal: Alliteration
:sigh: I'm really tired and did so-so on my history exam today. I totally fucked the second question on Paper 2, by writing only one paragraph. I did well on the first question though, so that's good. Also Paper 1 went fairly and hopefully my brain won't be outside my head tomorrow for Paper 3. Basically, I think I can salvage my score for IB History. Huzzah!
By the way tomorrow's my birthday. Yay me! I'll be 19 and an old hag. Yay me!
Nighty-night darlings.
Wait For It...
Look, look my throats exploding! No really, it's going to explode any second now, look! :exposes throat to readers: See...definitely going to explode.
:throat explodes: Well I'm off...got's to take those IB tests, even though my throat has exploded. Bye!
Proper entry will possibly occur this afternoon
:throat explodes: Well I'm off...got's to take those IB tests, even though my throat has exploded. Bye!
Proper entry will possibly occur this afternoon
A Not Quite Full Regression
First of all I would like to say, horrible evil people don't want me to be better. They want me to regress completely, in a vain effort (or it would seem not so vain effort) to have me fail at life. That's right, I might have to completely align myself with DiS because DIY hates me. They don't know it, but they hate me. On a side note, concerning the evil that is a certain band, :imagine this being said really really quickly:I love their new video like I love 1984 and Douglas Adams. Omg.:end the really quickness:
In other music news, KT Tunstall is releasing her new album in September!!! Or at least she's releasing it in September in the UK. As of right now there is no official release date for the US. Personally I would love it if she released in Europe and in the US at the same time, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Just like I'm not holding my breath for the Cribs*.
Uh, let's see what else is their. IB tests are going well, considering how I've only taken one, really. The Fratellis join the masses of people cancelling tour dates because of exhaustion. There is a real blue box near the American embassy. My mp3 is really truly broken and I haven't told the parents yet. I'm thinking that after Wednesday would be a good time to fake the "OMG my mp3 just broke" nonsense. I'm truly a horrible person in other words. Also, I have a dailymotion.com account so I can rate episodes of "Black Books" because it is the most brilliant series to ever air ever. Dylan Moran is the best Irishman to ever exist and Bill Bailey is just...Bill Bailey. Which means genius. So yeah. That's it.
*Correction, after research (and a helpful hint from a helpful person) it seems that the Cribs are releasing their album 2 months later in the US. Thanks muchos to Anonymous and Sound Bites
In other music news, KT Tunstall is releasing her new album in September!!! Or at least she's releasing it in September in the UK. As of right now there is no official release date for the US. Personally I would love it if she released in Europe and in the US at the same time, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Just like I'm not holding my breath for the Cribs*.
Uh, let's see what else is their. IB tests are going well, considering how I've only taken one, really. The Fratellis join the masses of people cancelling tour dates because of exhaustion. There is a real blue box near the American embassy. My mp3 is really truly broken and I haven't told the parents yet. I'm thinking that after Wednesday would be a good time to fake the "OMG my mp3 just broke" nonsense. I'm truly a horrible person in other words. Also, I have a dailymotion.com account so I can rate episodes of "Black Books" because it is the most brilliant series to ever air ever. Dylan Moran is the best Irishman to ever exist and Bill Bailey is just...Bill Bailey. Which means genius. So yeah. That's it.
*Correction, after research (and a helpful hint from a helpful person) it seems that the Cribs are releasing their album 2 months later in the US. Thanks muchos to Anonymous and Sound Bites
Black Books
Oh I've discovered another British comedy. Which has allowed me to discover the following:
In any event, I want to use the bullet point thingy so here are some more things that fit nicely into bullet points:
- The British comedy/tv world is tiny. Literally tiny. It consist of anyone who's ever been somehow associated with Simon Pegg. Or at least this is my belief.
- Bill Bailey does have a career outside of Never Mind the Buzzcocks.
In any event, I want to use the bullet point thingy so here are some more things that fit nicely into bullet points:
- Despite best efforts, I'm still a KC junkie. Maybe not with pictures, but definitely with music. And my strange, strange mind.
- I could have everything by Muse if I wanted. I just have to remember to use AIM.
- I have no mp3 player, just a thing that looks like a mp3 player. Thus Windows Media and I have become very good friends.
- "Retirement" is the best song ever. >_<
Music News 102, pt. 2
And we're back, ready for round 2...
Oops. I guess that's what you get when you come to Virginia...food poisoning? I don't know. I feel bad that it's my state, but I'm surprised at the date since they played on the 28th. Maybe they had two VA dates, though that would be really, really, surprising. But yeah...oops.
Uh, just what we need, MCR and P!atD teaming up. I'm depressed not only about the fact that these two "we're not emo" but actually are emo bands are teaming up but also because they are doing it to record a tribute album to the Smashing Pumpkins. Now I have nothing against the Smashing Pumpkins (well not really), but honestly, do they really need a tribute album? I don't think so.
So now for a review. A review of an album that doesn't have a release date in the states. A review of an album produced by Alex Kapranos. A review of...Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever by the Cribs. Written by the guys at DiS. But not Dom Gourlay, which means it actually gets a fair shake. And yes, I do have a thing against Dom Gourlay. On the other had I totally have a thing for Noel Murray. Moving on...
Speaking of idiotic things, Luke "The Kooks" Pritchard sounds like an idiot when he bashes Lily Allen. That is all I have to say about that.
I'm actually going to a festival!! That's right bitches I'm going to Virgin Festival. I'm going to see the Fratellis and Amy Winehouse and...the Police. Oh and Modest Mouse, Peter Bjorn and John (they're suppose to be really good or something), and Fountains of Wayne. So yeah. I'm going to a festival!!! Huzzah and jubilation!!
Well that's it my loves. I'm all linked out. Good night.
Oops. I guess that's what you get when you come to Virginia...food poisoning? I don't know. I feel bad that it's my state, but I'm surprised at the date since they played on the 28th. Maybe they had two VA dates, though that would be really, really, surprising. But yeah...oops.
Uh, just what we need, MCR and P!atD teaming up. I'm depressed not only about the fact that these two "we're not emo" but actually are emo bands are teaming up but also because they are doing it to record a tribute album to the Smashing Pumpkins. Now I have nothing against the Smashing Pumpkins (well not really), but honestly, do they really need a tribute album? I don't think so.
So now for a review. A review of an album that doesn't have a release date in the states. A review of an album produced by Alex Kapranos. A review of...Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever by the Cribs. Written by the guys at DiS. But not Dom Gourlay, which means it actually gets a fair shake. And yes, I do have a thing against Dom Gourlay. On the other had I totally have a thing for Noel Murray. Moving on...
Speaking of idiotic things, Luke "The Kooks" Pritchard sounds like an idiot when he bashes Lily Allen. That is all I have to say about that.
I'm actually going to a festival!! That's right bitches I'm going to Virgin Festival. I'm going to see the Fratellis and Amy Winehouse and...the Police. Oh and Modest Mouse, Peter Bjorn and John (they're suppose to be really good or something), and Fountains of Wayne. So yeah. I'm going to a festival!!! Huzzah and jubilation!!
Well that's it my loves. I'm all linked out. Good night.
Music News 102, pt. 1
Gah, I've got like twenty million articles to post, but so little time! Oh well, I'll start now and finish later.
Lies. Vicious, vicious lies. Blur will never get back together and Alex James is a horrible person for saying so. And nothing will change my mind >_<
You know why Popworld failed? Because Simon wasn't on it. It's that simple. Popworld is over because Simon is on NMTB.
Tom Chaplin is such a toughie. I mostly find this article to be hilarious because I can't imagine Tom drinking Tom under the table. I just don't believe that if Tom faced Tom, Tom would win. It's impossible.
(Teehee, I love not using last names.)
Holy crap! Go Arctic Monkeys! You totally deserve to rule the world. Even though A.V. Club gave you a B. Which is consistant, but still. You guys totally deserve to rule the world.
Well that's it for now. I'll be back with more.
Lies. Vicious, vicious lies. Blur will never get back together and Alex James is a horrible person for saying so. And nothing will change my mind >_<
You know why Popworld failed? Because Simon wasn't on it. It's that simple. Popworld is over because Simon is on NMTB.
Tom Chaplin is such a toughie. I mostly find this article to be hilarious because I can't imagine Tom drinking Tom under the table. I just don't believe that if Tom faced Tom, Tom would win. It's impossible.
(Teehee, I love not using last names.)
Holy crap! Go Arctic Monkeys! You totally deserve to rule the world. Even though A.V. Club gave you a B. Which is consistant, but still. You guys totally deserve to rule the world.
Well that's it for now. I'll be back with more.
I Hate When Technology Doesn't Work pt. 2
I think in an effort to fix my mp3 player, after it froze last night, I've actually broken it. This is not good mainly because I don't know how to tell my parents about this state of affairs. I'm also going to be going into IB testing on Thursday, which is fairly stressful by itself, but add in a broken mp3 player...lets just say things are not looking good for my sleep patterns this week.
I can't concentrate, so my original plans for this have officially gone up in smoke. I'll try and post all my wonderful links tomorrow. We'll see. Bon nuit.
I can't concentrate, so my original plans for this have officially gone up in smoke. I'll try and post all my wonderful links tomorrow. We'll see. Bon nuit.
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