
Fail Safe

Oy gravy. I gots a canker sour right between my bottom row of teeth and my bottom lip, like down in the valley area. Hurts like a mofo too. Yaargh!
:does little happy dance thing: FOUR KICKS!!! Love that song to death.
Guess what? No you actually have to guess...:waits:. I'm going to see the Killers at Merriweather Post Pavillion June 8. I'm tres, tres excited. And then July, I'm hoping to see t'Chiefs at the 9:30 club. I so want to see them live. Finally in August I get to see el Ben Folds once again at Wolftrap. I'm just happier than a clam. Except for this damn canker sour.
In other news, my chem teacher is the nicest person to ever walk the earth. I swear, she's just so sweet. And ya know what else? Annie gave me a hug. I mos def need hugs these days. I felt very appreciated.
Oy gravy boats, this damn canker sour is the devil. Speaking of devils, Mr. Million said something funny today in class:

"Charles Manson makes Osama bin Laden look like an angel. That man is the devil incarnate"

Excepts, nobody in class knows who Charles Manson is, and my knowledge of the man is sketchy at best. I mean other than the fact that he got inspiration from the White Album. And that he's crazy. Nonetheless, it was quite funny.
Ya know whats a good boovie? Fail Safe. Sad, but a very good movie. Everyone go see it!! Culture thyself!! I'll go listen to the Zutons, since I've already seen the movie. Adios!
{p.s. If you're in a crazy mood, watch Dr. Strangelove, it's kinda the same thing as Fail Safe. Except w/o Henry Fonda. And the astronaut dude from I Dream of Genie. Still pretty close...}
Ooooh one other thing, do y'all like my layout? I like it...I'm really gone now, I swear...

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