
Old Lady Eyes

On Wednesday I got my eyes checked. Seems I'm going blinder each year. It also seems that because I'm going blinder each year my eyes can't compensate up close. Which means I got readers on Wednesday. I'm getting a spiffy pair to keep in my purse for school and then another spiffy pair for around the house. And it's all my dad's fault.
Went out driving today. I must say, Dad can be incredibly annoying at times. I know it was my first time out on a major road (Sunrise Valley drive) but I wasn't totally fucking up. Besides, people pass the "stop" line all the time. I won't fail my driving test if I do that. God. Anyway, it was kind of fun being out on a real road. Glade is great and everything, but actually going faster than 35mph was fun. Fast is fun. I just know I will eventually get a ticket for speeding. :shakes head: So horrible.
I would tell y'all about how frustrating life is and how fucking annoying my parents can be, but I think that would be pointless. Junior year is a hard year and as much as it hasn't been going that badly for me, that doesn't mean it isn't going to be stressful. For some reason though my parents don't seem to get that. My Dad tried to talk to me about it last night. Such bullshit. First of all he doesn't know what the hell is going on in my life and secondly I don't prescribe to his method of stress reduction. Balling up my feelings into a neat package and hiding it somewhere in my heart doesn't work for me. Screaming, yelling, singing loudly, punching things, that's what works for me. I need to release the tension, not try and hide it. Then there's my mum telling me I have to keep everything in order, keep on task. I'm trying, but not every week is going to be great. In fact there's a chance that some weeks will be pretty shitty. I just keep thinking about Brad. One of the smartest, laziest people I know. Mind you he over-books himself and has like fifty activities, but he's constantly having mini-melt downs. Loghman tries to hide the fact that he's going to explode, but I can see it in his eyes, the way he acts. IB classes are a bitch no matter how smart you are. I'm not alone in my stress. My way of dealing with it is just one on a variation of ways. :looks at what she's written: So much for not talking about this stuff.
I would like to present a mix that I made up a little while ago. I've been listening to it almost non-stop, so I think it's pretty spiff. Here ya go:
  1. Woman's Realm --- Belle and Sebastian
  2. Rebellion (Lies) --- Arcade Fire
  3. A Million Ways --- OK Go
  4. Tonight Let's Dance --- Elefant
  5. I'll Fly Away --- Kanye West
  6. Indie Rock and Roll --- The Killers
  7. Trying Not To Think About Time --- The Futureheads
  8. Take My Temperature --- Kaiser Chiefs
  9. A19 --- Maximo Park
  10. You Say You Lie --- The Raveonettes
  11. You're Just a Baby --- Belle and Sebastian
  12. Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid --- Elefant
  13. When the Cows Come Home --- Blur
That's what I've been listening to for a week or so. Pretty spiff, ey?

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