
I've Got Links that are Rotting in my Links Folder

Yeah, I still collect links to post and snark about. Unfortunately this whole "school" thing has put a damper on my regular blogging schedule, so I've got some links smoldering, waiting to be written about. Again, unfortunately I'm not going to write a whole lot, but they are there and I will write, for I must.
So Robert Daltrey totally has it right when it comes to Mr. Doherty. He does have a death wish. I won't say anymore because I could go on and on about how much of a death wish Doherty has, but yes Mr. Daltrey, you are correct.
Some sad news before I leave: Pavarotti died a couple days ago. He was probably the only male opera singer I knew about, even now, and it's quite a death in the music world. So much so that DiS felt the need to write up a little thing on his death. So RIP sir, RIP.
Till next time my dears, till next time.

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