
Another Quickie News Update

I am a wicked and evil vixen. In my mind anyway. Mwhahahahhahahahahaha!
My left eye has swollen up for no apparent reason. This has given my eyes a weird almost lopsided look but I doubt anyone will notice. I just hope I'm not getting sick again.
Seeing as today is Election Day, GO VOTE. I voted absentee, so I've already voted, but if you're reading this GO VOTE.
Tomorrow is Guy Fawkes day. I slightly more excited about that than I am about today. That is how sad I am.
I don't have theory Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday and I'm really excited about that fact. However the weather is making me feel apathetic about just about everything, so you wouldn't be able to tell based solely on my demeanour. Nonetheless, I am excited.
That's it really. More news may or may not occur as the week progresses. You'll just have to way and see.

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