
Life Imitates Life

I'm in a goodly amount of pain right now. You see I twisted my ankle and well, that hurts I'm discovering. I can't really bend my ankle in any way. The only reason I'm writing about this is because, while I was on stage (which is where I twisted my ankle) I had an almost identical reaction to the idea of fainting that I did the last time I fainted. Namely, when I started feeling very flush and the lights suddenly got very bright my brain told, "We will persevere through this, and we will not collapse dammit." Of course it didn't help that I was in the middle of singing the premier of an original composition by a) the head of the department and b) my theory prof (same person, two roles.) And just like last time, I fainted. Of course last time I didn't do something horrible to my ankle, but it's amusing in a macabre way. Now I have to finish this damn research paper or I'll be royally screwed. Also I would just like to end this entry with following piece of information: I lieu of an ACE bandage, I'm currently using a pair of panty hose. Hurrah ingenuity.

Edit: First I realize that the title of this entry doesn't make sense unless you're in my head, so I will explain: My favourite lead singer had a habit of breaking one of his ankles every year. He hasn't done it recently, but when I realized that I had sprained my ankle, it was like "Ha, I did a slightly less debilitating version of what he's done in the past." Hence (my) life imitating (R's) life.
Today however was quite amusing. A friend of mine, Sam, was in the balcony for the performance and for some reason thought my fainting was some creative/artistic choice made by Dr. Long, ruined by my horrible acting. I laughed really hard and then got to tell my story to my entire theory class. I suspect I'm going to be explaining my hobbling around for another couple of days before the whole music department knows and therefore I don't have to explain it anymore. Still, I'm all stiff upper lip and carrying on like always. 'Cuz I'm secretly British.

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