

I was originally going to write about The 39 Steps and Alice in Wonderland, both of which I enjoyed in very different ways, but I haven't the heart. Starting Thursday night my living situation kind of exploded in my face and next week I'm going to be moving into a new flat. On Monday I head off on my first excursion outside of London and am really nervous about the whole thing. I've discovered that any amount of stress makes me really homesick, so right now I'd like nothing better than to take a flight home and not come back to London until I've graduated from college. Of course that's not really an option, at least not right now. I will say this though: I love this city and I think if my time here had started out differently and if I'd had at least one person from home with me, I wouldn't be quite so miserable right now. But I can't change the past, so here's the future.
I will say this about The 39 Steps: If you ever get a chance to see it, do it. It's one of the most brilliant plays I've ever seen and is now officially my second favourite play after The Importance of Being Earnest. As for Alice in Wonderland only see it if you can see it on a big screen and in 3-D. Otherwise, I don't think it would really be worth it.
There probably won't be any updates until I get back from Liverpool at the end of the week. I'll be registering for classes for the fall while I'm in Liverpool, but I'd prefer to not have to bring my computer with me, but even if I do, I probably won't update anyway. Until then, don't panic (I'll try not to.)

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