
The First Edit or Why Can't My Segment Be 25 Minutes Long?

In an effort to whittle my video segment down to the requisite 10 minutes my argument has changed slightly and I've had to cut out huge swaths of material that I consider vital. If you haven't seen Bright Young Things or read Vile Bodies I suggest you read this entry no further and immediately either read the book or see the movie. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Things I've Had to Cut Because the Segment Can't Be 25 Minutes Long
  • Several party scenes
  • Any explanation as to why Adam doesn't seem to have any money
  • Any and everything having to do with Michael Sheen's character and his story line
  • Most of the Evangelist party including the bit where the title of the book comes from
  • Simon's suicide after being thrown out of the Evangelist party
  • Agatha's day at the motor race aka why she ends up at a mental institution
  • The bartering of Nina between Adam and Ginger at the very end of the movie
  • The Drunken Major and anything having to do with the Drunken Major
  • Adam's short lived reign as Mr. Chatterbox and basically anything having to do with Dan Aykroyd's character
  • World War II (which plays into Adam getting Nina back at the end of the movie)
The worst part of it is, is that even with that amount of cutting I'm still at 12 minutes and 5 seconds. If I have to cut anymore I'm not entirely sure what I'll do. Hence why I'm really hoping Prof. Groom will allow me to be 2 minutes over. For some reason I doubt he will, but I'm really, really, really hoping. Edit: I just got an answer back from Prof. Groom and it's all good. However I still think I'm going to make a director's cut that includes everything.


Jessica Masulli said...

Good luck cutting it shorter! I ran into the same thing when doing my video essay. I learned though through writing that editing and cutting is the most important step. Often, we take way too long to say something much simpler.

aallingh said...

Sometimes you have to break some rules.

samiam said...

Where did you see that it said a 10 minute time limit? I can't find it anywhere, but I'd like to know before I start doing my voice recordings. I'm at 18 minutes right now, but if I am forced to cut to ten minutes then I might use your idea and do a director's cut as well with the full version. Great Idea!