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What's better? Stress out over every single grade that doesn't reach a certain standard and then flog yourself for not reaching the expectations, or not stress out over every grade, no matter what it is, and then not do as well because you didn't care.
I don't want to not care, but I don't want to flog myself for not getting an A on every single piece of graded work. That doesn't happen for me. I put in a certain amount of effort, depending on the variables that exist and things turn out the way they do. I can't seem to make a half way point between apathy and extreme stress. I don't want to have a nervous breakdown at 18, but I don't want to fail again. So the question is, how does one reach a happy median when everyone around you seems to be at one extreme or another? Maybe I over simplify things, but that is the basic question. Reaching a happy median around people who won't take anything less than 100%. Complicated to a certain extent, but then again the answer could be simple. Try and filter out the people who must get A's or die, and ignore those who don't give a damn. It sounds so simple. Maybe it will work.
I got a 100 on the math homework. Loghman got an 85. He just about died. I was sort of expecting my grade. I did with Ms. Buchanan and we checked the answers in the back of the book. Still, was it fair? Was it fair that I took that course over the summer, which was open to everyone, and am now way, way ahead of everyone else? Is it fair that I can write for both English and History equally well? Is it fair that I have certain gifts in those two areas? What is fair? A constant plague between what is deserved and what is given. Nothing is equal, though philosophers wish there was a world that was. So, I get 100 because of certain advantages and Loghman gets an 85 because he doesn't have those advantages. Fair? Not necessarily, but then what is fair?
Sorry for all the philosophy. I guess I'm just in a contemplative mood today. Physics was so boring, and math is just repeative for me, so what else is there to do? Plus, I finished Cross Channel this morning so I have nothing to read. Poor me. :rolls eyes: I need a good shot of caffeine and then I'll be ready to go. Yeah, hopefully.
More later, now I read trash.

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