
5 months 1 day

Okay. So yeah. I hope this true. Two Days!! Before May 10th!! So see the top story for December 7th? The one that says according to HMV.co.uk Keane is going to release new cd May 8th???? Yeah so wouldn't that be cool!!! I mean, if they release in UK on the 8th, that means it will be released on the 9th in US, which means it will be released in the States the day before my b-day. That would so super wicked awsome!!! God...I hope it turns out to be true. That would totally rock!!
So I'm going to bed now. I'm tired and what not, so yeah. Beddie-boo for Nore. See y'all later. Oh and pray/hope for snow tomorrow night!! I totally want there to be no school on Friday. That would be wicked cool. Ay. Sleepy time for me.

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