
Quiz I stole from Avery

b e s t

1. Male friend: Loghman
2. Female friend: Jackie
3. Vacation: London for Spring Break 9th grade

w o r s t

1. Time of day: Lunch period. I’m not awake but I’m not asleep
2. Day of the week: Wednesday. Band rehearsal always sucks the life out of me
3. Food: most vegetables
4. Memory: hmmm…toughie that one. There are so many

l a s t

1. Person you saw: Sophs….like 10 minutes ago
2. Talked to on the phone: Angel. And he never called back!!
3. Hugged: Mums
4. Text: I don’t text. No cell

t o d a y

1. What are you doing now: listening to “The Life Pursuit.” I <3 Belle and Sebastian
2. Wearing: White polo, green tank top underneath, dark blue jeans
3. Better than yesterday: dunno…weekends kind of blend together

t o m o r r o w

1. Is: Monday, school, new quarter
2. Got any plans: School, bug Mr. Sharp about my test grade
3. Goal: Get my test grade from Mr. Sharp and talk to Loghman
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: School. Except math.

f a v o r i t e

1. Number: 42
2. Song: umm…which band?
3. Color: GREEN! If you don’t know that by now…geeze
4. Season: early spring. Most of April I guess, if that could be considered a season

c u r r e n t l y

1. Missing someone: Loghman…not that I’d admit
2. Mood: stupid smelly church given me headaches
3. Wanting: The ability to see without opening my eyes

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