

KC won another award for "Employment" which brought about pictures, which brought about fangirlish glee and proclaiments of Ricky's amazingness. Read that sentence however you like. All I know is that he has nice fingernails.
I can't believe how quickly this week has gone by. I find it incredible that it's actually Thursday. What happened to this week? I mean honestly, where did this week go? I did get back my SOL English Reading score though. A perfect 600. But as Farber pointed, it doesn't really count for anything. Just a nice pat on the back for old Nore.
In other news we're (as in the band) playing "The Liberty Bell March" aka the opening theme to Monty Python's Flying Circus. I'm ridiculously excited. I've also started work on "Premiere Rhapsodie" in my private clarinet lessons. Also exciting because I love Debussy.
Sam is a good friend. So is Eric. Musical, intellectual, crazy, and smart. A wonderful combination if you ask me. So yeah.
Not much else to report. Have a good Memorial Day Weekend.

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