
Stupid college shit...

"Self-description: VERY IMPORTANT! Describe the way you see yourself. We want to know who you think you are. Please include all positive attributes you feel would be of interest to college admissions counselors who are trying to evaluate your suitability for their campus and your probability of academic success. You might cover such issues as study habits, academic strengths, your role in family, your personal values, character strengths, goals in life and anything else you feel would help us characterize you better in your recommendation letter. (Use back if needed)."
I fucking hate this. How the hell am I suppose to describe myself without making me sound like a loon?! I mean honestly. Mum can say I'm not obsessed all she likes, but really we both know I'm obsessed. How do I go about explaining that at the moment my whole life is wrapped up in trying to get into college so I can then leave the college as soon as is allowable? I like Mary Wash because of it's study abroad program. I could give a rat's ass about the rest of it. :sigh: Positive attributes...I'm a dedicated fangirl? I spend hours and hours obsessing over the fact that I might have to get a myspace account so I can better keep track of a band I like? For Christ's sake, what the hell am I suppose to say? I lived in a bubble for the first twelve years of my life and now have a very warped sense of how the world works? Or better yet, I yell at people I've never met and have no chance of meeting for doing things that I don't "like." Like touring some place other than the metro DC area. :nods: Oh yeah, college admissions people will love that. God...It was enough that I had to write some stupid ass essays, why on earth do I have to write more of the same shit for my counselor? Why can't she just rely on other people? Other people seem to have a much easier time describing me. But no...my stupid bitch of a counselor needs me to describe myself. :shakes head: So stupid and annoying. Oh well. It's better than trying (and failing miserably) to memorize the "To be or not to be" speech from Hamlet. Off I go...

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