
Internet, my Internet

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?
Too much. Far too much.

2. What are your favorite 3 websites?
I have to pick three? Are you fucking kidding me? Well, I guess Monkey Blaster Entertainment (Clicken Gold), Lily Allen (for the music and silly forum people), and LiveJournal (my friends page needs constant checking just incase someone decided to update one of the Kaiser Chief communities).

3. Do you eat at your computer?
Sometimes. I mostly drink diet Coke though. Sometimes chocolate.

4. Pick one and why - Reading the news online or in a newspaper?
Since I don't read the news can I pick NPR?

5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list?
Hmmm...AIM...um two. Sophs and my mum. Which is very sad. So here! Have my screname: indiebritroker

Umm...it's almost Thanksgiving. I'm collating a Christmas list of sorts, which mostly involves finding BBC tv series. :) I'll have something to do over Christmas. Anyway...have a nice weekend.

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