
The Return of the Friday Five

Dear God it's back!! Run away, run away!

1. If you could retroactively erase one TV show from the history of entertainment, which one would you choose?
None, they're all important. 0_0 DON'T ERASE DOCTOR WHO!!!!

2. Are you more like your mother or your father?
Depends on the situation, but overall I'm more like mums

3. If you could take a year-long vacation, what would you do?
I would become a groupie. I won't say for which band/artist though, I'll make you guess.

4. Can you think of a reason not to answer this question?

5. What's the nicest thing you've ever done for someone?
Not make them listen to my musical compositions. I don't know really.

Maximo Park hates me. Or the DC area, I can't decide. I mean, technically I could go to Boston or DC but oh wait...both weekday dates. So, no I can't go. Grrr...
Nothing else to report. Have a good weekend.

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