
A Check List of the Things I Did Today

  • Went to church and finished A History of Britain while trying not to stare at the creepy couple sitting in the library with me
  • Watched most of the NMTB episodes I hadn't already watched, except for the one hosted by the old guy, which didn't seem like it would be that funny
  • Watched the new Doctor Who, which was bloody brilliant. Here's a link with much thanks to tennantfan1 on YouTube for posting the episode. Hopefully they'll post next weeks episode as well. I'm really looking forward to Shakespeare
  • Figured out which courses I would want to take to fulfill the gen. ed. requirements at UMW, which is rather exciting it in its own mundane way
  • Nothing else. Really bloody fucking boring day. Guuuuuhhhhh, so bloody bored.
So yeah, that's it. I would suggest that everyone watch "Smith and Jones" because it really is bloody brilliant. Almost everyone over at Behind the Sofa agree that it's brilliant, so go watch!!
In other news I'm off to Fredericksburg tomorrow for the admitted student's day at UMW. This means I have to get up at normal school hours, which kind of sucks, but I'm excited to see the campus again.
I'm going to stop now while I still make sense. Go watch the good Doctor and all that jazz. Cheers!

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