
Big Freaks

I'm currently reading a book called Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-1984 by Simon Reynolds and after reading only 40% of the book I've decided something: Postpunk "musicians" were big freaks, one way or another. And the reason I call them "musicians" is because half of them refused to actually learn the instruments they "played" and the majority of them weren't musicians first and foremost. Some were politicos/philosophers using music as a soapbox while others were artists who got into music as a means of expressing their art (performance artists basically.) Of the bands I've read about about half thought that having a melody was to conservative and old fashioned and so screeched instead. I've read about the birth of industrial music which consisted of unconfirmed neo-fascists making strange noises from tape machines. The next chapter I'll be starting tomorrow finally gets to some bands I've heard of and who I don't think will depress or freak me out, namely the Talking Heads. But as my sister pointed there is a very good chance I'll be proven wrong. And this my friends is why I'll never be a true hipster. I'm not strange enough in the right way. I'm just a geek, not a freak.

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