

It's so hard when you know you should feel sorry for someone because they're just so pathetic, but you don't have any at all because they act so shit and can be such a bastard. It's so hard when you can't do anything to change the situation because they're suppose to be the more mature one, they're suppose to be the authority figure and you can't argue with an authority figure. It's just so hard when you know things could be so much worse than they are, but everything feels shit and everything gets turned to shit because of just one person. It's so hard, but I'll be gone soon and I won't have to deal with this for another two months. And now I don't want to think about it, but it's so hard not to. My life isn't as awful as I make it seem and I'm so incredibly lucky, but sometimes it just doesn't seem that. Sometimes I still feel like I'm in 6th grade, begging for all of this pain to stop. I wish I could leave and never come back and I don't care how horrible I seem, but that's what I want. I want to do what he's done with his parents, leave and never go back. But I can't just yet. Soon though, so much sooner than I think, I'll be gone and I won't ever come back.

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