
Hold My Hand

I've been feeling rather depressed lately. I think it has something to do with being home and the sun not shining as much as I would like it to. In any event I've been feeling a bit blue and today just compounded that feeling. Today has not been very good for making me feel better, not one bit.
Hunter's not coming back next semester, or at least he doesn't think he is. And quite frankly unless Ms. Smith can pull a fucking miracle out of her ass, I don't think he will be coming back next semester. The strange thing is that he's totally calm about the whole situation. I'm having a freakin' melt down, emotionally speaking, and he's all fine and dandy. A wee bit pissed, but mostly just calm. Which is fine, but I feel really odd about the whole thing. A month ago I wasn't even sure I liked Hunter enough to be his girlfriend and now not only am I freaking out on his behalf, he's entered my subconscious (booyah to the dream world). It just seems so strange how quickly things can change in life. I feel slightly paralysed to be honest. Maybe this is why Farber wanted to have a boyfriend, so I would learn not to be paralysed by unfamiliar and stressful situations. Dunno though, never will either.
Well now that I've entered into the realm of stream-of-thought rambling, I guess I'll end it here. Don't mourn for me too much though. He's promised to visit and if the world and karma decide that I'm (and by proxy he's) not too shit he'll be back at UMW this summer, and trust me if he is my weekends will be spent in Fredericksburg. I'm just that clingy.

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