
In Praise of Men (or More Information Than You Ever Wanted To Know)

Men are an interesting lot. They abandon you for days on end* and then call completely out of the blue and during a show you particularly like and haven't seen a million times, asking if you'd like to hang out. You say yes, because there's no reason not too and you've made it clear** that nothing NC-17 can occur. So there you are sitting in your uncomfortable chair while the male that you've let come over lounges on your bed. You decide you want to join because he's your male and it's also your bed. Besides, this is just a visit and you're both enjoying watching Bones. And if you (the readers) are at all intelligent you can guess what happens next. Men are interesting because even when they say they're trying to resist their own urges, they aren't. But really, I should have known better and should have stayed in the uncomfortable chair. My bum's use to feeling slightly numb.
The awkward bit was when, after the male had locked the door, my roommate tried opening said door. Awkward*** as shit.

*No communication for a day is considered abandonment when you have way too much free time and little to do
**As clear as I'm ever going to be when it comes to bodily functions
***Hunter, I think in an effort to diffuse the situation, asked my roommate how she was. When she asked him the same question, he said tired, with some explanation as to why. I nearly died. Sure his explanation didn't have anything to do with why the room was locked, but his answer was still tired. Yeah, I nearly died.

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