

I feel I owe you the reading public some kind of explanation for yesterday. Obvious point of fact is Hunter broke up with me. I'm not going to go into details because a) I might start bawling again and b) it was a fairly generic break up. Though his reasoning did include an ingrown toe-nail. Anywho, the point of this entry is to say this: I have so many freakin' amazing people in my life. I've gotten more hugs in the past 24 hours than I usually do in a month. Even people who are friends with Hunter were there for me, calling to check that I was okay. I just am so thankful and grateful to everyone whose been so nice to me over the past day. Especially Joe because he called Hunter a loser, and not just because he's my friend. That made my day. So even though I can't think too hard, have to be constantly distracted, and have to avoid a certain area on campus (which is really awkward), I'm doing okay. And that's entirely because of the wonderful people in my life. Yay them.

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