
This Is Not a Come Back

This is just the desperate need to rant like a mofo.
This is a very long story. It starts with my mum's near mental break down last fall and her going back into therapy. Actually, it started well before then, but the less time I have to cover the better. Anyway, after my mum started seeing a shrink again something rather important came to light: My grandmother probably irreparably fucked my mum up by being a narcissist. Now I'm not saying this lightly or in any kind of jest. My grandmother's a narcissist and being the child of a narcissist does some pretty fucked up shit to your psyche. You can become a narcissist or, like my mum, constantly need to please everyone and be perfect. Obviously there are other ways to deal with your mother being a narcissist, but that was how my mum dealt with it and why she nearly had a mental breakdown last fall. However by discovering and working through the issues that arise from discovering that your mother is a narcissist, my mum also figured out something I've known for 3 years or so: my dad's a completely needy self-centred ass. He's not a narcissist, but pretty damn close. He's also a hypocrite but that has less to do with being a needy self-centred ass and more do with his parents and having socialists sympathies while also being a really good corporate lawyer (yeah, he's just even more fucked up than my mum and that's not easy to be.)
Because dad's a needy self-centred bastard and mum is trying to be her own person, there's been a shitload of tension in the house recently. Now I've had my issues with dad for quite awhile, but I've been completely alone in my beliefs that he's a hypocritical needy ass. On the other hand Sophs (the sister who's dad's favourite) thinks mum (now that she's "seen the light") and I are just complete bitches who don't understand dad and need to get off our high horses (or at least that's the vibe I'm getting.) Now I've seen a divide in this house since, well for as long as I've known that my dad's just a complete ass. There are those of us who express our emotions and opinions (me and mum) and those of us who bottle it up and then go all ragey-mcrage when it gets to be too much (dad and Sophs.) [Apologies for the random linkage, I had a drink and I really can't hold my liquor] However I might have exasperated that divide tonight by basically saying that Sophs was on dad's side and against mum, to Sophs. Granted I was pushed by Sophs into saying that after she said some shit about getting out of this house, but I regret having opened my mouth anyway. It just makes things more complicated than necessary and they're already complicated enough as it is. However I'll be working through all this starting next week with a psychologist (actually just a social worker, but that's good enough given the circs) other than Farber (the creepy, creepy old man*.) I might also get to work out my pent up issues with the buttmuncher (otherwise known as the ex) which I'm happy for. The long and short of all this is as follows: Narcissism fucks with everything and Nora from A Doll's House is in no way a narcissist. A real narcissist would never have married someone like Torvald. 0_o
:sigh: Hopefully The IT Crowd will come tomorrow and I can spend all day just watching that. Or something.
*When I was still dating the buttmuncher, mum saw Farber at the pysch office and told him that I had a boyfriend. He was extremely pleased because he thought I was using him as some sort of replacement for a real boyfriend. I've been creeped out ever since I can't see him any more. Unfortunately my new therapist works at the same place Farber does, so there's a pretty good chance I'll see him. And crush his ego. But when I tried to talk to him last summer about my dad issues he blew them off and kept pushing me to get a boyfriend. And we all know how well that worked out. So he'll just have to deal.

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