
Two Weeks of News

Sorry for the long ass break in updates. In an effort to keep my blog emo free I haven't been updating as much. There's been much emoness in the past two weeks (life shattering realizations can kind of make a girl sad) and work has drained me of the rest of my energy. Yes folks, I'm back at WPFW archiving shows for the Minott. Granted there's been a shit ton of craziness happening behind the scenes at WPFW, mostly changes in staff and crazy hooha like that. Still, it's the same thing I did last summer, I'm just not doing it five days a week. Also, I would like to point out that it takes a crazy short amount of time for CNN and tourists to get really frustrating/annoying. CNN has gone from semi-bullshitty to really insane bullshitty in just a year and I blame it on the old media's discovery of social networking sites. As great as Facebook and Twitter are for keeping up to date with friends and family, I don't really trust it for news reporting. It's like relying on The Mirro for accurate news on DW. As for the tourists, it's the same complaints as always: They don't know how to walk up escalators, their kids run wild on the Metro, and they don't know how to share the side walk. I'm all for people visiting the sites in DC and appreciating the history and all that, but for christ's sake I need to get to my stop and you're in my way!
So in an effort to work out a lot of my pent up frustration towards certain people, I've decided to take up kickboxing. I took my first class yesterday and right now I'm so sore I can't move properly. We started the class with six minutes of jump roping (can't do that very well) and ended the class with six minutes of jump roping (really couldn't do that). There were leg squats and push-ups (and explosive push-ups) and jumping jacks and curl-ups and a lot of punching. I didn't feel my abs until early this morning, but the squats were almost immediate. Really, everything is just incredibly sore. And I'll be doing it all over again on Tuesday. I've gone crazy obviously.

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