
Into the Cavern

Seems the Rickster has cut of his hair a bit. :shrugs: He's still so damn sexy it hurts my heart. :shrugs: People make too much of rockstars. Me included.
I was watching my mum unstuff the turkey this afternoon. I thought about what use to be in there. I felt bad for a bit but then I rememberd that 1) I have to eat meat because I won't eat beans and 2) The turkey is dead. It was going to die. The circle of life continues on.
I'm so freakin' tired. I think I'll go to bed soon. Another early night for Nore. I like sleeping, so sue me. I'm a teenager. An extremely abnormal teen. In fact my name is Abby Normal. :waits: :waits a bit longer: Okay, if you didn't get the joke you never will. Or, well, one day you will. Maybe. Uh. So tired.
In case y'all were wondering, OK Go is an okay band. I like them. Oh No is a rather good album. So yeah, go download it or buy it or whatever. I recommend it!
Not much else to report. Had a good Thanksgiving. Not looking forward to tomorrow. Stupid Holiday Parade. I don't know if I can do it though. I stupidly forgot my plastic clarinet at school and there's no fuckin' way I can march my wood clarinet. The poor thing would crack in two in the cold and stuff. We'll see. Sort of. So goodnight guys. I'll try and be more interesting this weekend.

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