
A Post with Links

You can see her nipples!! No bra. All the while she just looks like she has a sack on. As if it were no big deal. And that is why (or part of why) I could never be a model. I would insist on having a bra.

The Strokes - Ask Me Anything. Mind you the lyrics (looking at them now) are highly repeative, but the way Julian Casablancas sings it, you can't really tell. The music behind him is glorious, but when he sings "I've got nothing to say" you know he's telling the truth. I know that feeling, when everything seems to have been said and as much as you would like, there's nothing to say. Which is why I love this song. And a lot of what the Strokes write.

Clicken Gold. The most damn obsessive game in the world. Especially when you set up your own special rules that make it slightly harder. Like, in the first four level you have to clear all the blocks. Or in the in the first 10 levels you have to get all the coins. Preferably of course it would be nice to get all the coins up through the first 12 levels, but sometimes it doesn't always work out like that. In any event people get up to level 96, so I'm not the only person who's a little obsessed. I just don't have the patience to get that high. I think the highest I've gotten is 50. I was really bored.

In any event that's all for the links. I haven't got any real interesting news. Mostly just boring tidbits. For instance I started and finished "Equal Rites" today. I've started "Mort." :nods: The Redskins lost their game today 10-20. It was agains the Seattle Seahawks. I wasn't really paying attention to the actual game, but my Dad was which is how I know that we lost. I think it's cool that we got the play offs. I was impressed with that. Anyway, that's the jist of today. Incredibly boring.

I corrected this post. I would like to point out that if anything seems amiss it's because I don't usually check to make sure it all reads well untill I've posted it. And spell check doesn't check grammar. Just spelling. In any event, I just thought you might like to know that. Bye

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