
Confessional to the beats of Feel Good Inc.

I always feel slightly confessional when I listen to Feel Good Inc. Maybe because it's a "guilty pleaure." Dunno. So here's my small confession: I'm waiting for something to happen.
I'm waiting for something miraculous to happen to me. It doesn't even neccesarily have to be something to do with math (please get me out of that class...). I'm just waiting for something to happen to me. Something amazing. Anything really. Just something. I guess I'm always waiting for something to happen. Something slightly fairy tale-esque. Meeting someone famous. Becoming a math genius. I dunno. I always feel a bit like that kid from The Incredibles. You know the scene where Mr. Incredible asks the kid what he's waiting for?
Mr. Incredible: Well what are you waiting for?
Boy on the bike: I don't know. Something amazing, I guess.
Yeah that's me on the bike. I know it doesn't look like me (being short and male) but that's me. I'm waiting for something amazing to happen.

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