

This post asks the question that I would love to know the answer to: How tall is Ricky? My fantasy answer is 6ft, thus making Nick, Simon, and Whitey giants and Peanut still short. In reality that's probably not true, but a girl can dream right? Anyway, make sure to take a look at the piccie for I find it very sexy. Though it's almost impossible to find a picture where I don't find him at least good looking. [random side note: this is how to be a fangirl. Really. All the other fangirls just don't measure up to me.] So yeah. I wish I knew how tall he is. :sigh:
In any event, I have to finish my part of cleaning house. As if Sophs doesn't know what our house usually looks like. But alas and alack grandparents are coming too, so I guess it's kind of for them too. Poo.

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