
Whilst Procrastinating Pt. Deux

My ribs are being crushed, my ribs are being crushed!! Damn the shortness of my bunk bed and my tallness. And horrible posture. In any event...my ribs are being crushed, my ribs are being crushed!! You may not believe me, but they are!!!
Anywho, that's it. Just wanted to say my ribs are being crushed. Because they are. Now I have to finish my really sucky conclusion and hope that nobody notices how absolutly horrible my essay is. :sigh: It wasn't the procrastinating that did me in though. Just the laziness that is coupled with procrastinating.
One last thing. WALES!! Or more precisly the areas surrounding the capital of Wales, which is Cardiff. And ya know how I could tell? The strangly named town/city/things around the main bunch of marker pins. Oh yeah, I'm this big a dork.

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