
How To Recognize Different Types Of Trees From Quite A Long Way Away

I need a subtitle that reads: I'm a Jealous and Bitter Girl. Sadly neither of my blogging programs let me have subtitles, so you'll just have to imagine the subtitle underneath my Monty Python's Flying Circus stolen title. Anyway, moving on.
I've got a bunch of articles that I want to post tonight and each has a little story, kind of. So let's start with the one that reminded me of the Monty Python episode, that my title is stolen from.
I should have known it wasn't Ricky. Ricky, thus far, has always CAPSLOCKED his journal entries. Nonetheless I was hopeful. Instead I get a lot of "..." and very little Ricky. I must admit though, I was slightly jealous that Whitey met Simon Pegg, but otherwise, I was just disappointed it wasn't Ricky. Yes this does indicate insanity.
Speaking of the Meteor Awards I saw this on the Arctic Monkey's website and vaguely remembered them being nominated and being not at all surprised that they won. By this point I'll be shocked if any European music award shindig doesn't give at least one award to Arctic Monkeys. Very, very shocked.
I really, really "If Looks Could Kill." Honestly, I really, really do. So much so that I bought the friggin' album even though "If Looks Could Kill" is one of two songs that I like off it, just so I could have the song on my mp3 player legally. So I'm glad DIY like too. Yay for being of the same opinion yet again.
And now for the horrible green-eyed monster that lives in me and only comes out when someone gets to meet someone that I really wish I could meet, or does something I really wish I could do. That person is my age and is named Heather. And goddammit to hell she was at the KC listening party and has now met/seen Alex Kapranos twice in one week. Yes, I'm completely ridiculous. No, I don't care that I'm completely and absolutely ridiculous. I'm completely and utterly jealous of this woman, who is my age, and seems to have this ridiculously amazing life that involves listening parties and meeting uber-cool people who I admire from afar. Damn her. And damn R, just because. >_<
I need some angry music, but right now I'm listening to "Ruby" for the umpteenth million time this week. I don't think I even own any really angry music. But now would be an excellent time for some angry music. Oh well.

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