
2 Days

In an effort not to make my journal sound like it's written by a drunk (an incoherent drunk at that) I'm writing this a bit earlier than usual. So now I'm going to go check my news sites, just in case something has happened that I didn't know about.
Oh Jesus. Today's going to be fun...
So let's start with the guys looking like dicks category. The top prize goes to Jamie Cook and Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys for acting like old dicks when they're only two or so years older than me. First off they lay into Mark "Lily Allen's Producer" Ronson which means Lily will probably be saying something scathing sometime soon. Then the boys decided to take up my position that all music sucks. This is were Alex comes in saying that Timbaland is in every music video. Which made me wonder were he was in their video. As DIY put it, grumpy old men (the Gallaghers) before their time? I think so.
Our next category is America, or not being able to come to America if that's the case. So, while the View deal with the fact that their lead singer is a crack addict, Tokyo Police Club and the 1990s hustle their asses over here to be on the telly. Good luck to them.
Continuing with our look at people coming over to the States, we had a bit of deja vu a couple of days ago concerning our good friend Mystery Jets. Mind you this is just a reiteration of the fact that they're releasing an album over hear two days before my birthday and not coming near the DC area. On the other Ms. Allen is coming near the DC area, but I refuse to go to the Sonar, so that's another Lily Allen gig I won't be going to. I've stopped being disappointed though.
In the ongoing saga of the Swedish baby with the weird name, courts in Sweden aren't letting the parents name their daughter Metallica. The court's reason for not allowing the parents to name their daughter Metallica sound a bit Big Brother-ish to me, but I think this should be a sign to the parents not to name their poor daughter after a semi-mediocre metal band that were popular in the...I don't actually know when Metallica were popular, but the point is, don't name your children after metal bands. Or any bands for that matter. Moving on...
A show that I wasn't going to get to go to because it was this weekend in London got cancelled. That's all.
Give the Cribs their drum back!! After rewatching the episode of NMTB that R hosted, I've decided that even though the Cribs aren't my favourite band in the world, they don't deserve to have their snare drum stolen. They seem like a nice bunch of blokes, so whoever took it should give it back. :sticks out tongue in defiance:
And last but not least, Kaiser Chiefs. I say we start with the article that makes Nick look like an idiot and then move onto the article that makes Ricky look like a complete dick. So Nick...what's on your iPod? What I found interesting about this little article wasn't so much what Nick has on his iPod (though I did find it interesting that most of the songs that popped up were either songs he didn't like or didn't know), but that the person who did the interview was the same person who did the review of YTAM. Oh the irony of it all.
Now Rick. Rick, Rick, Rick. When you snub a concert dedicated to Princess Di don't bring up the obvious hypocrisy of all the other people doing it. Having checked your touring schedule, you have a perfectly good excuse. You'll be in Italy the day that the concert is suppose to be happening. You would be disappointing so many Italian fans if you didn't go, so there. You have a good excuse that doesn't make you look like a dick. Yes, technically you would still be snubbing Princess Di, but I think we can all live with that. Oh well. You've already said what you've said, can't go back now. Stupid git.
Well I don't have anything else to say. Actually I do: Just two more days, and Sophs has already agreed to showing up at the club early. Mwhahahaha. Oh and Jasmine, you've replaced Sophs as the person who I irate about stupid things. Good job.

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