
4 Days

It's sort of interesting what people care about. YouTube user extraordinaire lizzilupin has uploaded the past three seasons of Never Mind the Buzzcocks as well as various episodes from past seasons and the direct to video special Never Rewind the Buzzcocks all of which adds up to quite a lot of hours. Interestingly, none of the episodes have mysteriously disappeared. On the other hand, all links having to do with the full episode of "Smith and Jones" have gone poof from the YouTube sight. This not true for other Doctor Who episodes including the series 1 finale and the 2006 Christmas special "The Runaway Bride" (which I watched today.) I suppose there's a certain logic for taking down "Smith and Jones" but it's also rather worrying. Will next week's episode be available, even if just for a day or two? But I digress. No, what's interesting is that a show on BBC 1 is more important than an equally excellent show on BBC 3. Funny, I guess ratings do matter more than quality. I just hope the Beeb doesn't notice all of those NMTB episodes.
Not much else happened today. I finally got to see "The Idiot's Lantern" which means I've seen every episode from the new series of DW, which is exciting in its own way. I also had the rather odd realization that I really would be seeing R and the lot in the flesh on Saturday. This might seem like a rather stupid observation, but one must realize that I see pictures of R and the band quite often. Thus, the idea of really seeing them takes a while to sink in. Anyway, I'm going to move on. A friend of mine got in an accident which reminded me of something entirely inappropriate. But I couldn't help myself. Anyway, I just hope he's completely alright, just like R.
Ugh, I've got to sleep now. Or at least not write. A demain, mes petites.

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