
Misadventures in La-La Land

I came home yesterday and found out that there had been a shooting at Virginia Tech. I went to bed knowing that 32 students had died. I woke up to find out that it was now 33 students. National news outlets having been refering to Virginia Tech as Virginia Tech, even though that's not the university's proper name. Even President Bush refered to it as Virginia Tech. I know that of all the things to be thinking about, thinking about the fact that everyone is calling Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech is pretty odd, but it's the only thing I can wrap my head around at the moment. I know people who go there, I know people who have siblings who go there. I don't want to think about the other side of this news item.
Of all the bizarreness of this situation, the most bizarre is the fact that a British blog that I read has entry about it. Someone in London (or more accurately a suburb of London) heard about the story and went to a college website for reasons unknown. And something he said hit me:
Guns. Americans. It happens. It's in their culture. And it'll happen again.
He's right, to a certain extent. We don't care enough about the loners, the ones that don't seem like obvious psychos. This doesn't neccesarily mean it's in our culture, but there is every chance that sometime, not anytime soon mind you, something like this, maybe not as deadly, will happen again. And there will be shock that something like this could happen here, some sort of public outcry for better gun control and what have you, and then the something else will take center stage and the travesty will be forgotten by most everyone but those affected. Call me a cynic but it's a sad fact.

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