
Love Thy Name is Fozzie

Yesterday I finally got the chance to go see Once which I had heard about, mostly because of the soundtrack, on Filter. I had also read a review on A.V. Club, which had given it an A and all in all I had heard good things about the movie. Because of this I thought it might be worth my time to go see the film, if only because it meant I would be out of my room for a few hours, which is always a good thing. I left the theatre with a pain in my chest and a huge smile on my face, feeling like I had just left a concert. I'm literally scared to listen to the soundtrack for fear of what it might do to my psyche. My sister and I have also given the lead actor the nickname of Fozzie or Fuzzy Bear, depending on whether or not I can remember Fozzie. All of this because of one little Irish indie film. I would highly suggest seeing this little indie film, but only if you take me along, I'd like to see it again.
Also I've decided that I have to marry someone with ginger hair who can pull off facial hair as well.
:runs off to Ireland to find her busker:

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