
Here Comes the Rain

At this moment it is pouring outside. Thunder, lightening, heavy rain sounds, the whole gamut. I don't think I've seen this kind of rain in...oh months probably. It's nice in a way though because there's a very cool breeze coming through the window, which along with my lovely semi-silent fan, is helping to cool the room. All in all, the rain is a good thing.
I've moved into my dorm room, though the desk area is in entropy at the moment. Cords and shit lying everywhere. Oh well, at least it will give me something to do after orientation tomorrow. Other than some random athletes and possibly other LD kiddos, the dorm is practically vacant. I'm wondering whether Alex has moved in or not, what with crew, but eh. Anyway, I'm in F-burg, loving my top bunk status.
I'm off to sleep now, very stressful day, what with my card key not working and getting connected to la internet being a bitch and a half. Plus the general anxiety of moving in and whatnot. I did get my books though! Beowulf, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid are currently staring at me along with Ricky doll and my mini-TARDIS.
Alright off to sleep...sort of.

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