
Christmas Comes Early

There are certain things in my life that mark the passing of time and the year as a whole. Some of these markers of changed a bit (mid-terms in place of first quarter report cards as an example) but most of them have stayed exactly the same. One of the markers for the end of year for instance is top X lists on music websites. Another marker for the end of the year, beginning in 2005 was Fake DIY's Beard of the Year Contest. Traditionally music webzines and the like do things like "Beard of the Year" and top X lists towards the end of the year because a) not much is happening because of b) nobody being around really. Well it seems DIY wants an early start on the contest this year and so they're blogging about "musical beards." I was "shocked and appalled"* at this development and though not completely thrown off by it, I'm a bit weirded out by it. Silly nonsense like this is suppose to entertain me when I'm really bored and have nothing to do, not distract me when I'm suppose to be working. In any event, who here thinks I should nominate Simon again?
If you're a fan of Doctor Who and want something funny to read, I would suggest this. If you don't know what a chibi is, read this. Mix and enjoy!
*A quote from the second episode of the 20th season of Never Mind the Buzzcocks. According to rumours the show should be returning this November. I can't wait

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