
Before Bed

This is almost too sad to mention, but I'm going to anyway. The Last Bus Home has gone green. Before the layout was red and I go to check it tonight and BOOM the layout is green! I must say I'm ridiculously excited. Yay for green!
Also, everyone works with Mark Ronson. It's no longer a unique thing to work with Ronson. He's the syphilis of the music world; he just keeps getting passed around. And if we carry this analogy forward, it's really not that surprising he's gotten to Carl Barat. I mean the man did work with Pete Doherty. However I'm still excited about the upcoming album (late spring 2009 people. That's my guess anyway) and still think Mr. Ronson is incredibly talented. Incredibly talented musical syphilis.
Yeah, I'm a horrible person.

And yay for green!

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