
Those Boring Days and Giddy Nights

Some days are meant for rewatching episodes of NMTB that you've seen fifty million times because Mark Ronson is gorgeous. Some days are also meant to check KC's website out of shear boredom and vain hope. Today happened to be one of those days and now I'm giddy from chocolate, diet coke, the comedic stylings of NMTB and two brand spanking new songs (to me anyway) from KC. One is quite nice and the other is horrible, but only because the lyrics are horrible. The music itself is quite nice. In any event, if these songs are any indication of what the new album is like (a quick note from the band's website: "Our new album is almost complete. We're still working on the finer details, artwork, title, mixing and website." Yeah, that's my definition of almost complete too) I'll be happy. Then again they could play dirges and I'd probably be happy though. I'm not exactly an unbiased source. So yeah, despite the boredom that filled most of my day, the end's been quite nice I have to say.
Finally, I would just like to say this: Dip. God musicians can be idiots (present party included.)

Edit: This picture, by the brilliant mimi-na of deviantART is utterly brilliant and completely spoilerish for the last episode of season 4 DW. It also makes me super-duper wonderful if in a strange way. Click the link at your own expense, oh un-spoiled DW fans.

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