

I like to make villains of certain musical artists, mainly because it's fun but also because certain musical artists open themselves up to snide remarks. Oasis is one of those bands I tend to vilify and my reasoning behind that is because they open themselves up to being called idiots and twats. Anyway, I just wanted to put that in the open before I call Noel Gallagher an idiot once again. Because honestly, who doesn't play a venue because of nachos? Now I've read the article (because the whole nacho thing seemed too ridiculous) but Gallagher's complaint about O2 being "too corporate" makes me question the last time he's been to an arena gig (that he didn't perform at). I ask this because the last time I went to that kind of a gig, there were lots of people, during the headlining act, leaving to get more beer. Besides, not performing in a venue because it's too commercial/corporate is just a little too precious coming from the lead guitarist of Oasis. Can't call them a commercial flop, now can ya?

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