
Equivalence Chart

Yesterday I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. Along with tea, Digestives biscuits, pie, and cheese, the Victoria and Albert Museum is a tourist institution in London, which I somehow managed to miss the last time I was in London. I took a billion pictures at the museum, feeling a little guilty about taking said pictures but as there were no signs I guess it was alright. I also found out that Marks and Spencers closes at 7pm, which is a bit of a disappointment when you're expecting to get dinner from there, but I managed to get a sandwich, some milk and dark chocolate Digestives. All in all yesterday wasn't a complete bust and I got to talk to both my Mom and my sister.
Anyway, the point of this entry is that I've come up with an equivalence chart for some of the stores I've either been to or are planning on going to. What can I say, I've got a lot of free time on my hands and this is just the kind of thing I think about.
  • Primark = Target
  • Marks and Spencers = Macy's + a small grocery store
  • Sainsbury = K-Mart
  • Tesco = Any grocery store you've ever been to
  • Asda = Walmart (they're owned by the same people, which is why they're the same)
  • Pret a Manger = Starbucks (as in, they're every where)
  • Starbucks = Starbucks (because Starbucks doesn't change from country to country)
Well that's it for me. I've got more orientation and a boat party to look forward to and I'll be doing something tomorrow. I don't know what, but something will happen. In a final note I finally got my Oyster card which is nice. Until next time, don't panic and carry on.

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